Day 7 - Pray For The Salvation Of Precious Souls And Boldness To Evangelize

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 12:2

Despite the footprints of Christianity in America, its mark on Millennials and Generation Z is not as visible as it was in previous generations. Many young people see the church as an irrelevant relic of the past.

Over 80% of Christians, both young and old, are considered biblically illiterate. That means a mere 2 out of every 10 Christians know how to live, articulate, and defend the Christian faith. Dr. Woodrow Kroll commented, “When we speak of creeping Bible illiteracy in America, we are not talking about the inability to read but the choice not to read... This failure to read the Bible consistently, or to hear its truth consistently, is the major factor in Bible illiteracy in America. It is an epidemic.”

There is very little that is more compelling and persuasive to a child than a parent living out his or her faith. It is human nature to learn by example. What example are you setting? Does your family regularly see you point to Christ’s death and resurrection as your source of hope? Do you ask for forgiveness from your family members when you sin against them, knowing that modeling repentance is one of the greatest things you can do as a parent?

We are not just in a culture war for the faith of our nation’s children; we are fighting a spiritual battle. We are called to make disciples among all people and all ages. The greatest prayer that we can ever pray over our nation’s youth is that they may trust and follow Christ as their supreme satisfaction and joy. Ask God to open the eyes of unbelievers that they may turn from darkness to light and to open their ears that they may hear the truth of the Gospel.

Pray for students who have recently come to know Christ, that they might be discipled by other believers. Pray for their growth and spiritual maturity. May believers speak truth in love so that they will, in all things, grow in godliness (Ephesians 4:13-15). Pray that their identity would be grounded in who they are in Christ and that they would know and understand that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by their Creator.

Finally, pray that your faith would be deepened. Equip yourself by reading Scripture, that you might be prepared to be the parent your child needs you to be. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of areas of your parenting that need to be realigned with Scripture. As you steward the child or children God has placed in your care, pray that God would grant you wisdom and courage to lead precious souls into spiritual maturity.

Download the entire 7-day devotional, Praying for Our Nation's Youth, here:'s_Children_E-Book_-_Abstinence_Clearinghouse.pdf