Creating a Porn Free Christmas

Did you ever consider that you may have porn under your Christmas tree this year? Many parents, with no intention of harm, will gift their children their first laptop, tablet or phone without equipping them with the tools needed to combat pornography. So how do you confidently broach the issue of internet safety, pornography and sexting? Check out these two tips:

Teach and train your children how to identify and avoid pornography.

Teaching young children age-appropriate internet safety is essential. The book, Good Pictures Bad Pictures serves as a comfortable, read-aloud story about a mom and dad who teach their child what pornography is, why it's dangerous and how to reject it.

Going through Passport2Purity with pre-teens is a great way to engage in object lessons and guided conversations. The program is designed for parents and pre-teens to experience a weekend getaway, set a foundation of moral integrity and strengthen the parent-child bond.

Guard your children from seeing or experiencing what they do not know exists.

Investing in an internet safety software like Covenant Eyes is one way to help guard the eyes and ears of your children.

This software gives parents a report of the websites their kids visit, the search terms they use, and the YouTube videos they watch. Parents can tailor the filter to their needs and blocks the Internet completely at certain times a day.